Web site contents © Copyright Sohyun Eastham 2011, All rights reserved.
B. Ed. (Music), B. Mus. (Hon), Ph.D.
Sohyun Eastham
.: Journey of the spirit
1. Abide with Me (6:10)
2. This is my Father’s World (2:59)
3. Nearer my God to Thee (7:36)
4. Blessed Assurance (6:00)
5. Amazing Grace (6:11)
6. He Leadeth me (5:00)
7. In the Garden (7:31)
8. Near the Cross (8:27)
9. My Hope is Built on Nothing Less (4:38)
10. It is Well with my Soul (10:53)
Total time: 65m 25s
RRP is $20.00ea plus P&H*
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Sohyun Eastham plays the violin with incredible passion and understanding. This, her second album, delivers an emotional performance of some well loved Hymns. Arranged by Colin Spiers, this music touches the soul and brings a feeling of closeness to God. The Journey of the Spirit was arranged to give the idea of a spiritual journey – from the pilgrim’s recognition of the fragility of their existence without God to a sense of positive and joyous affirmation at the end.
Then your light shall break forth like the morning,
Your healing shall spring forth speedily,
And your righteousness shall go before you;
The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
Isaiah 58:8 (NKJV)
Volume 1 |
Appendices |
Suggested Reading |
Extra research |
Volume 2 |
Recordings |